
Air Conditioned

Aire Acondicionado

Climatización With squads of air conditioned for homes and companies, we commission us to leave your new ready squad and working.
Climatización With squads of air conditioned for homes and companies, we commission us to leave your new ready squad and working.



Installations by means of radiators or radiant soil
Installations by means of radiators or radiant soil

Generators of Heat

Generadores de Calor

Boilers, electrical heaters and of gas, accumulators of water, especially designed to heat averages and big surfaces
Boilers, electrical heaters and of gas, accumulators of water, especially designed to heat averages and big surfaces




It is the energy of the external air transformed in heat for climatizar houses and produce sanitary hot water
It is the energy of the external air transformed in heat for climatizar houses and produce sanitary hot water

Treatment of water: Osmosis and Descalcificador

Tratamiento de agua: Osmosis y Descalcificador

If you are interested in a system of Treatment of water and want a personalised estimate, do not doubt in contacting with us.
If you are interested in a system of Treatment of water and want a personalised estimate, do not doubt in contacting with us.

Technical service

Servicio técnico

We make installations, reparations and maintenance of squads of climatización for homes and companies
We make installations, reparations and maintenance of squads of climatización for homes and companies - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat